The Investigative Committee that has been established to investigate the sale of vehicles from the EU in the Cypriot market, the importation of vehicles from third countries, as well as the recall of vehicles due to the issue with defective airbags, will complete its investigation and submit its report to the Attorney General within three months, the Attorney General himself, George Savvides, underlined on Wednesday.
He was speaking during the appointment ceremony of the three-member Investigative Committee, which took place at the Legal Service.
At the same time, he emphasised that the Investigative Committee does not have the right to assign criminal responsibilities, but it does have the right to point out evidence that may lead to the need for a criminal investigation.
The Chairman of the Committee, Michalakis Christodoulou, former Judge of the Supreme Court, stated that the Committee will fulfill its duties as provided by the regulations, noting that the first session for outlining the roadmap will take place on Thursday.
Michalis Vorkas, President of the Cyprus Bar Association, and Theodosios Hadjimichael, from the Audit Office, were appointed as Commissioners.
The Attorney General, flanked by Assistant Attorney General, Savvas Angelides and the members of the Investigative Committee, stated that the terms of reference of the Investigative Committee are very broad.
Specifically, he said that the Investigative Committee is mandated to conduct a “full and thorough investigation,” aimed at determining all those conditions, events, actions, acts or omissions, decisions, and responsibilities, as well as the determination of EU and national law in relation to the availability of vehicles from the EU in the Cypriot market and the importation of vehicles from third countries, for the period starting from the Republic’s accession to the EU until the issuance of this Decree.
Also, the investigation will be conducted in relation to the regulations and procedures followed in the Republic for the recalls of vehicles originating from other EU member states, as well as in relation to the regulations and procedures followed in the Republic for the recalls of vehicles originating from third countries.
Furthermore, the facts, circumstances, and reasons that led to the issuance of the circular by the Department of Road Transport dated March 21, 2017, which concerned vehicle recalls, as well as the overall process of issuing, monitoring, and implementing the said circular, will be investigated, the Attorney General added.
He also said they will investigate any other relevant aspects, issues, or matters related to the above, at the discretion of the Investigative Committee.
The Investigative Committee, starting from Wednesday, will complete its investigation and submit its report to the Attorney General of the Republic within three months from the date of issuance of this Decree or at a later date, as the Attorney General of the Republic may decide, following a request from the Investigative Committee in accordance with the Law.
For his part, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee, Michalakis Christodoulou, emphasised that he firmly believes in transparency, noting that the Committee’s meetings will be open. He added that on Thursday he will convene the first meeting of the Committee in order to outline a roadmap for handling the issues assigned to it.
Asked about the possibility of attributing criminal responsibilities and initiating criminal prosecutions, the Attorney General said that “the Investigative Committee does not have the right to assign criminal responsibilities,” but “it has the right to indicate evidence that may lead to the need for a criminal investigation.”
Also read: This is the new Takata airbags Investigative Committee
Source: CNA