A meeting between Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry George Papanastasiou and Minister of Environment and Energy of Greece, Theo Skylakakis, took place today in Athens, in a very positive atmosphere and having as key subject of discussion the project of the electrical interconnection between Greece and Cyprus, the project known as “Great Sea Interconnector”.

A meeting between Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry George Papanastasiou and Minister of Environment and Energy of Greece, Theo Skylakakis, took place today in Athens, in a very positive atmosphere and having as key subject of discussion the project of the electrical interconnection between Greece and Cyprus, the project known as “Great Sea Interconnector”.
As the two Ministers said in a joint press conference that followed, the meeting was very productive for both sides, with the Greek Minister of Environment handing over to Papanastasiou a letter in response to his own letter, dated December 3, 2024, in which the observations of the Republic of Cyprus regarding the interconnection project were noted.
Papanastasiou said that the Greek side’s answers will be studied and there will be a relevant statement. He spoke of a “very constructive meeting”, adding that “it was something that was needed”.
He added that “we have received, today, the response letter, to our letter, which was sent on December 3. It was followed by a discussion on December 27.”
“I believe that this letter answers all the concerns of the Republic of Cyprus, which is essentially waiting for this position of the Greek side, so that we can proceed with the next steps,” Papanastasiou noted.
Skylakakis said that they had “a warm meeting -as always- and I also handed him the response of ADMIE and the Greek side on a number of issues, in relation to the Great Sea Interconnector, the cable that is being constructed to connect Greece with Cyprus and then with Israel.”
“I think we are responding to a fairly satisfactory degree to the issues that have been raised, in the context of a very good cooperation that we have had over the last few months,” he said.
Also read: Natural gas will arrive in Cyprus by late 2025 says Papanastasiou
Source: CNA