Tag: athens

Kolonos: 11 guilty in child prostitution case

The Mixed Jury Court (MOC) has found 11 out of 17 defendants guilty in the ongoing trial involving the sexual exploitation and abuse of...

Athens responds to Güler’s provocative statements

"Positions that contradict International Law do not contribute to fostering a climate of mutual trust or improving bilateral relations," noted sources from the Greek...

Tragic shooting in Greece: Three-year-old succumbs to head injury

A tragic end came to the incident involving a three-year-old child who was shot in the head in Markopoulo. Despite being transferred to "Aglaia...


Greece: 16th anniversary of Alexandros Grigoropoulos murder

Alexandros Grigoropoulos murder: Students take to the streets –...

Lavrov: Russia ready to defend itself with “all” available means

Russia has emphasized its readiness to defend itself using...

FM calls for OSCE’s support in Cyprus candidacy for Presidency

Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos has called upon the states of...

Vafeades-EU: Road safety a national priority for Cyprus

Road safety is a national priority for Cyprus, Minister...